Major Healthcare Archetypes

The Sage. The Caregiver. The Hero.

These three archetypes most often describe physicians of today, their attitudes and beliefs about who they are and why they care about improving the lives of patients.

An interesting trend from our research is that the more “giving” and “selfless” archetypes are reflected most often in populations of physicians.

Overall, archetypes are each motivated by the following four main drivers: Ego, Freedom, Social, and Order.

Why do archetypes matter? Archetypes streamline the belief story to give more succinct and direct insight into why someone is motivated to behave in a certain way.

Here is how each of the major healthcare archetypes – the Caregiver, the Sage, and the Hero – may impact behaviors:

The Caregiver is driven by social beliefs to meet the needs of others, and in the process, also fulfills his or her ego.

The Sage is driven by beliefs in seeking order and expanding his or her wisdom and knowledge, and in this process, achieves freedom.

The Hero is driven by beliefs in fulfilling his or her ego through saving others, and in the process, achieves social success.

Archetypes are the architecture of beliefs. Ready to drive change in your market?

Request a demo today and discover how BeliefMap can unlock core archetypes to shift beliefs and change behavior.

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