Beliefology: The Powerhouse of Behavior

Beliefology is the developmental journey of our core belief system and how our beliefs change over time. Why does Beliefology matter?

Our core belief system is a complex psychological network that may be best described as the powerhouse of our behavior—evaluating and determining every decision that we make and regulating everything that we do now—as well as what we do in the future. Our beliefs are the reason why we do what we do.

Beliefs are formed, molded, and shifted through an information feedback loop in our core belief system that analyzes the experiences that we encounter in life and the learned outcomes of the choices we have made. 

Our understanding from our very own stress-tested Beliefology journey over the past decades is that what we believe is crucial to setting and achieving our goals. 

From a healthcare perspective, many would agree and argue that people who have a “can do” belief approach to their health and wellness experience an abundance of benefit from simply believing in their own self-efficacy.

The more self-aware we are of our beliefs and how they impact our lives, the better choices we are able to make.

Each choice that we make in our lives is an opportunity to develop our belief system. When approached with a choice, we must first take a step back to evaluate and identify the core beliefs that are driving that decision. 

This mindful pause is known as the belief identification point, a key opportunity to evaluate the quality of our beliefs, and our first line of sight as to how a simple change in that belief could drive a behavior that results in a better outcome.

Ready to drive change in your market? Now we can unlock the powerhouse of behavior with BeliefMapTM.

Request a demo today and discover how BeliefMapTMcan work for you.

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