Ready for Change?

Since beliefs drive our behaviors, we can see that the greatest barrier to changing how we act is directly related to our motivation for changing our beliefs.

Given the above, when trying to achieve a certain behavior, it becomes essential to evaluate how ready you are to change.

The Stages of Continuum provide a resourceful deep-dive into what the process of behavioral change “looks” like and includes 5 stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance and relapse prevention.

What factors play a role in how ready we are to change?

The first factor is how important we believe it is that we change what we do.

The second factor is known as self-efficacy, or how much we believe in our own ability to successfully change our behavior.

If you believe you can, you will. Become the change you would like to see in the world today.

To learn more about beliefs and motivation, please request a demo of BeliefMapTM at 

Source: Facilitating Behavior Change. Adult Meducation, pgs: 58-64.

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