Our Approach to Behavior Change

words saying "adherence to medication?" with pills as a background

We will start in the healthcare industry, where we have our roots and where there exists a real need to more effectively engage patients in proactively managing their well-being. Our proprietary tools and processes will enable us to uncover the core beliefs that drive all behavior, as well as identify where shifts should occur and how to affect change.

The pharmaceutical industry is struggling with a significant consumer behavior issue, adherence to medication, which has resulted in low levels of therapy compliance and a lost annual revenue of $188 billion. This issue is not new, and the industry and its partner agencies have been investing a lot of time, resources, and money trying to fix it.

To date, efforts to change consumer behavior regarding health and medication have been ineffective, focusing on the back end of the patient journey with reminder messaging.

There is a real need for a strategic partner to offer a disruptive approach to solving this problem and providing real results.

We have taken a 2-stage approach to changing behavior. Our approach is disruptive to the industry and involves a new and unique process.

Stage 1

Identify and map the beliefs and emotions that drive current behavior

Stage 2

Create and deliver the emotive experience that will shift beliefs and change behavior

Specifically, we look at beliefs that drive behavior, determine where shifts need to occur, and develop an experience that will disrupt those beliefs and cause these needed shifts.

Request a demo, and explore how BeliefMapTM can work for you.

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